Jeanyoon Choi

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Factory 4.0

HTML, MDWA, 2 Screens and 1 or more Mobiles, 2024, Collective Project

Factory 4.0 is a Multi-Device Web Artwork that employs the Dadaism-inspired Cut-up technique to explore the significance of semantics in the era of mass text generation. This project deconstructs GPT-4o-generated texts and repeatedly feeds them back into the GPT, creating an endless factory-like cycle.

Actively inviting the audience to participate using their own mobile devices, Factory 4.0 consists of three Javascript WebApp-based interactive channels.

1. Channel 1 (Mobile): Users input/speak text via a chat-app-like UI, prompting GPT-4o's responses. They are also invited to leave their phone within the installation, becoming an integral part of the artwork. 2. Channel 2 (Screen): The responses from Channel 1 are randomly cut into 2-6 word phrases and displayed on the screen (Cut-up Technique). These phrases are styled with arithmetic operations, with specific layouts and colours chosen by GPT-4o in real-time, creating a visually stimulating experience. 3. Channel 3 (Screen): The collaged words from Channel 2 are fed back into the user input (Channel 1) and six other chat-UIs, creating an endless cycle of text generation. This recursive loop intensifies the experience, creating a chaotic cacophony of fragmented meanings.

As the pace of text cut-up accelerates, audiences become increasingly immersed in an automatic cycle of generative fragmented meanings. As conversation topics across seven channels become increasingly homogenous, although algorithmically independent, they paradoxically present a mass generation of meaningless meanings and non-semantical semantics. In this dadaistic context, Factory 4.0 aims to present the factory of our era - the factory of mass-generated texts and data, within the age of Industry 4.0.

Jeanyoon Choi | Intae Hwang, Experience Design Lab, 2024


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Ⓒ Jeanyoon Choi, 2024